My nightmares are back.
With my wedding only 8 days away, sleeping is a challenge. Exhausted I fall into bed, but once my eyes are closed my mind races. Once I am no longer tortured by restlessness and my mind and body doze off, I am often soon awoken by nightmares. I haven't had any like this since I was ready Harry Potter before bed every night and Voldemort would come out of my closet with a dagger headed straight for me in bed. I usually remember my dreams, but these nightmares are different. They are in realtime and I don't remember anything until I'm between that stage of sleep and awake and I am imagining someone in my room and I am sitting up to make a run for it and then I startle awake. It seems so real! Then I feel stupid for actually thinking it was really happening. It's kind of funny. Until I can't get back to sleep. I think part of the problem might be because my nightlight is burned out and it is way too dark. Maybe they make a Harry Potter nightlight that would ward off Voldemort and my nightmares.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Road Report #5: Furry Friend of Foe?
While driving for endless hours on the open road with nothing but my iPod and my thoughts to entertain me, you'd be amazed at the things I ponder. One of them most recently: rodents. A rodent is defined as a relatively small gnawing mammal that has in both jaws a single pair of incisors with a chisel-shaped edge. That would encompass mice, squirrels, rats, chipmunks, hamster, and yes, beavers.
What spurred the rodent contemplation was my encounter with squirrels found in Western Michigan. Typical (or at least where I live) squirrels have different shades of brown fur like the one below.

However in Western Michigan they are black/dark brown. At first sight, it is very startling. I think they look like devil squirrels.

I don't mind squirrels. They are cute enough with their fluffy tails and I always do my best to avoid hitting them with my car. But I cannot say I love all members of the rodent family.
I have an incredible fondness for chipmunks. I don't know if it's the way they gnaw on acorns or how their little tail goes up when the scurry across the ground, but I want to keep one in my pocket and feed it little treats. Maybe it could sit on my shoulder. My love of chipmunks is curious because I am deathly afraid of its cousin the mouse. I ask myself, do I like chipmunks because of the cuddly characters Chip and Dale?
However, there are plenty of mice depicted in cartoons and Mickey Mouse has not helped me cope with my fear in any way. I try to tell myself that it is foolish to be scared of such a small helpless creature. And then I imagine one crawling up my pant leg or getting stuck in my hair and all rationalization is thrown out the window. Sick. I think it's their little finger-like claws/paws and the scratching noise they make. Gross. Do I like the popular hamster? No! They are mice disquised with jew-fros. Disgusting. What about rats? While I prefer to avoid them at all cost, they are not as scary to me because of their size. I feel like I could kick a rat like a football if I needed to. But tiny little mice are much harder to catch. What about beavers? Best rodent around. They are smart enough to build dams, have that big whopping tail, and the likelihood of encountering on EVER is very low.
Luckily for you and me, I will soon return home with less time to ponder rodentia.
What spurred the rodent contemplation was my encounter with squirrels found in Western Michigan. Typical (or at least where I live) squirrels have different shades of brown fur like the one below.

However in Western Michigan they are black/dark brown. At first sight, it is very startling. I think they look like devil squirrels.

I don't mind squirrels. They are cute enough with their fluffy tails and I always do my best to avoid hitting them with my car. But I cannot say I love all members of the rodent family.
I have an incredible fondness for chipmunks. I don't know if it's the way they gnaw on acorns or how their little tail goes up when the scurry across the ground, but I want to keep one in my pocket and feed it little treats. Maybe it could sit on my shoulder. My love of chipmunks is curious because I am deathly afraid of its cousin the mouse. I ask myself, do I like chipmunks because of the cuddly characters Chip and Dale?

Luckily for you and me, I will soon return home with less time to ponder rodentia.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Road Report #3: Shawn-John Wannabe
So the majority of my days on campus are spent doing 10 minute presentations about the program in a variety of classes. Sometimes I'll do it as many as 15 times a day. It gets a little repetitive and I'm always looking for ways to spice it up.
My new thing this year is to close with the top 3 things about the program. I say,
"Just like David Letterman has his Top Ten list, I have a Top Three list. Mine isn't as long or as funny, but it's very informative." It cracks them up every time! And I still get a chuckle out of it too.
Some presentations are really lame because the students don't laugh at my jokes, but other times the room is on fire! After good presentations, I always have a skip in my step afterwards. And now I have a new move inspired our favorite gold medalist from Iowa, Shawn Johnson. I prance around like Shawn after she leaves the mat. Remember how she moves her arms in front of her as she walks? It's kind of an arm dance. I look awesome when I do it. And sometimes I'll do this move at the end in front the students. It gets a standing ovation every time.
My new thing this year is to close with the top 3 things about the program. I say,
"Just like David Letterman has his Top Ten list, I have a Top Three list. Mine isn't as long or as funny, but it's very informative." It cracks them up every time! And I still get a chuckle out of it too.
Some presentations are really lame because the students don't laugh at my jokes, but other times the room is on fire! After good presentations, I always have a skip in my step afterwards. And now I have a new move inspired our favorite gold medalist from Iowa, Shawn Johnson. I prance around like Shawn after she leaves the mat. Remember how she moves her arms in front of her as she walks? It's kind of an arm dance. I look awesome when I do it. And sometimes I'll do this move at the end in front the students. It gets a standing ovation every time.

Road Report #2: My Buddy and Me
When I'm on the road my constant companion is my hotel television. One of my recent hotels where I spent seven long nights had an extremely limited channel selection. My two favorite channels--MTV and BRAVO--of course were not available. My other standby is TBS. Great for some laughs at The Office or Sex and the City. The picture is available, but the audio is really loud static. I think it's worse then not having it all because I can see what I'm missing. There are five channels in different languages and three freaking ESPNs. None of the big networks have started up their shows again, so the pickings are very slim. I repeat VERY slim. I thought I'd highlight some of the programs I am occupying my time with:
--Wifeswap: The drag-racing, messy, hick mom and the neat freak, image-obssessed mom ended up learning a lot from each other. It was heartwarming. No it wasn't. It was weird and awkward and I felt pathetic watching it.
--Dog the Bounty Hunter: Why is he dressed like that? And how are his wife's boobs so insanely large?
--Mystery Diagnosis: As if I wasn't already paranoid about the health of my unborn children. Now I have to worry about melancholeractictheria too.
--Man vs. Wild: It was like a car wreck. I could not look away, but was so disturbed at the same time. Bear Grylls threw himself into some sort of mossy quicksand, but luckily he had a large dead sheep lying next to him. As his body was being engulfed by the moss, he proceeded to use the sheep as sort of a life preserver, throwing himself on top of it and wraggling his way out. It was disgusting.
I've moved on to a new hotel with a much more acceptable array of channels. Next week is a big with the premiers of Dancing with the Stars (who isn't excited to see Kim Kardashian's booty shakin' to the mambo?) and The Office. Things are looking up.
--Wifeswap: The drag-racing, messy, hick mom and the neat freak, image-obssessed mom ended up learning a lot from each other. It was heartwarming. No it wasn't. It was weird and awkward and I felt pathetic watching it.
--Dog the Bounty Hunter: Why is he dressed like that? And how are his wife's boobs so insanely large?

--Man vs. Wild: It was like a car wreck. I could not look away, but was so disturbed at the same time. Bear Grylls threw himself into some sort of mossy quicksand, but luckily he had a large dead sheep lying next to him. As his body was being engulfed by the moss, he proceeded to use the sheep as sort of a life preserver, throwing himself on top of it and wraggling his way out. It was disgusting.
I've moved on to a new hotel with a much more acceptable array of channels. Next week is a big with the premiers of Dancing with the Stars (who isn't excited to see Kim Kardashian's booty shakin' to the mambo?) and The Office. Things are looking up.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Road Report #1: Trouble Before the Tires Even Hit the Pavement
Twice a year I go on a recruiting trip for work. It's starting to become routine with few problems. I'm sorry to say this trip has already taken a turn as scary as Harry Potter heading into the Forbidden Forest.
An hour before my intended departure to Michigan for two weeks part of my front tooth fell off. Yes, I said fell off. One might say chip, but the piece missing from my front tooth was much larger than one often refers to as a chip. A chip is chipper. This was a chunk. A funky chunk.
To those of you who do not know, one fateful day in fourth grade I challenged a friend to a bicycle race up the street. Not only did I lose the race when I skidded into a patch of sand and slammed into the pavement, but I also lost the bottom half of one of my front teeth thanks to the handlebar. I can still remember the traumatic moment when I first saw myself with a broken tooth smile. I screamed bloody murder.
Since that dreadful day 15 years ago, I have regular nightmares of my front tooth breaking out again and again. Sometimes I lose all my teeth. It's very scary. So when I suddenly felt a large piece of enamel in my mouth (that was then swallowed and is still lodged in my throat) it was a nightmare come true. Even worse was my slated absence from home for the next five weeks, and even more concerning--my upcoming wedding.
Tears were shed, fits were thrown, but eventually a solution was found. I delayed my trip one day and had my tooth repaired this morning. While I was very upset to miss a stop on my trip, I knew that I would not have much luck persuading large groups of people with the look I had going. So yesterday was spent in Chicago wallowing in despair that the repair job would leave me looking like a hungry rabbit and today was spent at my dentist's office. Much to my relief and yours, I left with a front tooth even better than the last.
I had hoped my toothy fiasco meant smooth sailing ahead, however, upon my arrival in Michigan I found my hotel room for the next seven nights doesn't have Bravo or MTV. No Project Runway. No Hills. And the tooth chunk is still lodged in my throat. This trip may be cursed. Stay tuned to find out.
An hour before my intended departure to Michigan for two weeks part of my front tooth fell off. Yes, I said fell off. One might say chip, but the piece missing from my front tooth was much larger than one often refers to as a chip. A chip is chipper. This was a chunk. A funky chunk.
To those of you who do not know, one fateful day in fourth grade I challenged a friend to a bicycle race up the street. Not only did I lose the race when I skidded into a patch of sand and slammed into the pavement, but I also lost the bottom half of one of my front teeth thanks to the handlebar. I can still remember the traumatic moment when I first saw myself with a broken tooth smile. I screamed bloody murder.
Since that dreadful day 15 years ago, I have regular nightmares of my front tooth breaking out again and again. Sometimes I lose all my teeth. It's very scary. So when I suddenly felt a large piece of enamel in my mouth (that was then swallowed and is still lodged in my throat) it was a nightmare come true. Even worse was my slated absence from home for the next five weeks, and even more concerning--my upcoming wedding.
Tears were shed, fits were thrown, but eventually a solution was found. I delayed my trip one day and had my tooth repaired this morning. While I was very upset to miss a stop on my trip, I knew that I would not have much luck persuading large groups of people with the look I had going. So yesterday was spent in Chicago wallowing in despair that the repair job would leave me looking like a hungry rabbit and today was spent at my dentist's office. Much to my relief and yours, I left with a front tooth even better than the last.
I had hoped my toothy fiasco meant smooth sailing ahead, however, upon my arrival in Michigan I found my hotel room for the next seven nights doesn't have Bravo or MTV. No Project Runway. No Hills. And the tooth chunk is still lodged in my throat. This trip may be cursed. Stay tuned to find out.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Musician Lost

We are deeply saddened that LeRoi Moore, saxophonist and founding member of Dave Matthews Band, died unexpectedly Tuesday afternoon, August 19, 2008, at Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles from sudden complications stemming from his June ATV accident on his farm near Charlottesville, Virginia. LeRoi had recently returned to his Los Angeles home to begin an intensive physical rehabilitation program.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Jordan, You Make a Better Door Than a Window!
Boy bands. No matter your love or hate for them, it is interesting to think about the dynamic amongst the group members. This thought was triggered as I applied makeup this morning and New Kids on the Block's video "Summertime" came on. In every boy band there are the "hotties" and the "not-so-hotties." The hotties are the ones who have lead vocals and are always in front of the camera in videos.

Jonathan and Danny, the "average Joes" (according to who?) are barely seen in the entire video. The longest shots of them are in the group dance sequence (could you really have a boy band video without a group dance sequence with matching outfits?) and then they are in the back row. It's an ongoing theme if you think about some of the most popular boy bands: Backstreet Boys, 'N SYNC, 98 Degrees.
How would it feel to be one of the average Joes? You have to think it's a major blow to the ego. Maybe it's worth all the sweet hook-ups from your celebrity status (or not-so-celebrity). All the perks but none of the downfall? Jonathan and Danny probably don't get bothered in public as much as Jordan and Joey, and they can probably attract hot chicks just as easily. But boys being boys there has to be a competitiveness that hopefully includes shouting matches and fist fights. It's probably more like a cat fight with hair pulling so no one breaks a nose. Or maybe they have hair product fights with all the gels, waxes, sprays and pomades they can find. With their shirts off.

Jonathan and Danny, the "average Joes" (according to who?) are barely seen in the entire video. The longest shots of them are in the group dance sequence (could you really have a boy band video without a group dance sequence with matching outfits?) and then they are in the back row. It's an ongoing theme if you think about some of the most popular boy bands: Backstreet Boys, 'N SYNC, 98 Degrees.
How would it feel to be one of the average Joes? You have to think it's a major blow to the ego. Maybe it's worth all the sweet hook-ups from your celebrity status (or not-so-celebrity). All the perks but none of the downfall? Jonathan and Danny probably don't get bothered in public as much as Jordan and Joey, and they can probably attract hot chicks just as easily. But boys being boys there has to be a competitiveness that hopefully includes shouting matches and fist fights. It's probably more like a cat fight with hair pulling so no one breaks a nose. Or maybe they have hair product fights with all the gels, waxes, sprays and pomades they can find. With their shirts off.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
As If Monday Wasn't Bad Enough Already released two stories this morning that stopped me in my tracks.
John Mayer Chops Off His Locks: Love It or Hate it?
"It’s been a few months since John Mayer showed off his Family Ties-inspired ’80s do and challenged PEOPLE readers to wax poetic about it with their very own hair haikus. And even after he brought his hairstyle back to the future, he still held onto his signature lush-locked look. But this past weekend the singer shocked and awed us when he sheared off his hair into an Army-issue buzz cut. We think that John looks pretty good no matter what, but we want to know what you think."
My reaction: HATE IT. David Beckham kicked a major goal for hotness when he buzzed his head, but John's land is lacking wonder without his wavy locks.
And if that wasn't enough to bring you down...
Bachelor Matt Grant & Fiancée Shayne Lamas Split
"Bachelor Matt Grant and fiancée Shayne Lamas have ended their short and often-rocky relationship, they tell PEOPLE.
"We tried hard to make it work but we realized that we were both heading in different directions," the two said in a statement to PEOPLE. "We truly care about each other and will remain close friends."
Neither would elaborate.
Grant, 27, and Lamas, 22, have been plagued with reports of trouble since their televised engagement on ABC's The Bachelor: London Calling in May.
One month later Grant told PEOPLE that he had moved out of Lamas's Century City condominium, citing a need for "space."
At the time Grant said the engagement was still on. "This stuff makes us stronger," he told PEOPLE.
Grant picked Lamas, an actress and the daughter of Lorenzo Lamas, from 25 female contestants vying for the English financier. In the show's conclusion, Grant not only presented the winning rose to Lamas, but also got down on one knee and popped the question with a 2.85-carat platinum and diamond eternity ring."
My reaction: Not surprising, but I was sure the fact that Matt called her "Monkey" meant it was true love.
John Mayer Chops Off His Locks: Love It or Hate it?

My reaction: HATE IT. David Beckham kicked a major goal for hotness when he buzzed his head, but John's land is lacking wonder without his wavy locks.
And if that wasn't enough to bring you down...
Bachelor Matt Grant & Fiancée Shayne Lamas Split

"We tried hard to make it work but we realized that we were both heading in different directions," the two said in a statement to PEOPLE. "We truly care about each other and will remain close friends."
Neither would elaborate.
Grant, 27, and Lamas, 22, have been plagued with reports of trouble since their televised engagement on ABC's The Bachelor: London Calling in May.
One month later Grant told PEOPLE that he had moved out of Lamas's Century City condominium, citing a need for "space."
At the time Grant said the engagement was still on. "This stuff makes us stronger," he told PEOPLE.
Grant picked Lamas, an actress and the daughter of Lorenzo Lamas, from 25 female contestants vying for the English financier. In the show's conclusion, Grant not only presented the winning rose to Lamas, but also got down on one knee and popped the question with a 2.85-carat platinum and diamond eternity ring."
My reaction: Not surprising, but I was sure the fact that Matt called her "Monkey" meant it was true love.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Greatest Weekend EVER
This past weekend was the all female celebration of my upcoming nuptials--the highly anticipated bachelorette party. It was a weekend affair that started Friday night with the ultimate male entertainment--John Mayer. Seeing a JM show could not be more fitting for my "last night of freedom." The show went to an extreme level when he came out for the encore without his shirt on! He was better than any stripper. Jen is a lucky girl. The only thing that could have made it even better would have been a shout-out from John. I like to think it would be something like, "This song goes out to a super sexy bachelorette out in the crowd tonight. Annie, I wish I could have snagged you up before Ryley did. You are one hell of a woman." Riiiiight...
The party kept rolling into Satuday and the theme was sexy safari and we were on the hunt! The party started at my hostess-with-the-mostess maid of honor's apartment for appetizers and gifts that also featured flawlessly directed entertainment by one of my bridesmaids. From there we boarded the party trolley that escorted all the sexy safarians to Chicago monuments where we would take group pictures. Tourists would take pictures of us too. They must have thought we were celebrities. That's how good we looked. One of the highlights for me was riding the trolley down Michigan Avenue hanging out the windows screaming at the onlookers. Typing it out now doesn't seem as cool as it was, but trust me--it was the bomb-diggity.

Of course the night would not be complete without hitting up the bars and dancing the night away, but before that, Anniepalooza continued with a scavenger hunt with people (man with a hairy chest), things (tampon), and dares (arm wrestle a large man) to be located or completed. One of the girls took the dare "make out with a stranger" very seriously and racked up some major points. Fun was had by all.
The morning left me with a headache, sore feet, and an overwhelming sense of love. To have all my best girlfriends make the trip to celebrate, reminded me of how fortunate I am to have them in my life. I'm happy to say none of them had to hold my hair back when the evening's libations resurfaced, but I know any of them would.
The party kept rolling into Satuday and the theme was sexy safari and we were on the hunt! The party started at my hostess-with-the-mostess maid of honor's apartment for appetizers and gifts that also featured flawlessly directed entertainment by one of my bridesmaids. From there we boarded the party trolley that escorted all the sexy safarians to Chicago monuments where we would take group pictures. Tourists would take pictures of us too. They must have thought we were celebrities. That's how good we looked. One of the highlights for me was riding the trolley down Michigan Avenue hanging out the windows screaming at the onlookers. Typing it out now doesn't seem as cool as it was, but trust me--it was the bomb-diggity.

Of course the night would not be complete without hitting up the bars and dancing the night away, but before that, Anniepalooza continued with a scavenger hunt with people (man with a hairy chest), things (tampon), and dares (arm wrestle a large man) to be located or completed. One of the girls took the dare "make out with a stranger" very seriously and racked up some major points. Fun was had by all.
The morning left me with a headache, sore feet, and an overwhelming sense of love. To have all my best girlfriends make the trip to celebrate, reminded me of how fortunate I am to have them in my life. I'm happy to say none of them had to hold my hair back when the evening's libations resurfaced, but I know any of them would.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Aloe Vera Rubdown
Two days at the beach watching a volleyball tournament in the sunshine brought on a nasty sunburn. Yes, I was wearing sunscreen, I just didn't reapply enough. This morning as I struggled through my morning run with radiating shoulders, I thought to myself, "I think I would actually pay money for someone to rub cold aloe vera all over my body." Dreams of getting an aloe vera rubdown led to the recollection of a fond memory from my days at summer camp.
The summer before my freshman year of high school I headed to the University of Iowa for 2 weeks of camp. Not your typical camp with campfires and rappelling (I tried that and found I didn't have much of an interest in archery or horseback riding), this was smart kid camp. We were there to learn! But of course, it was fun learning. And even if it wasn't, at 14 it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as there are cute boys around. And that there were.
When we weren't expanding our minds, one of the highlights was spending the day at the water park. Did we wear sunscreen? AS IF! Sunscreen was totally nerdy and although we were at smart kid camp, we were not nerds. So you can guess after all our fun in the sun we were roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp.
We needed relief. Aloe vera was the medicine we needed but our same sex roommate was not a sufficient nurse to apply the ooey, gooey goodness. We needed to get one of the boys from upstairs to do it. And so an aloe vera party was born in the lounge of the dorm. Bikini-clad girls and shirtless boys crowded around to get an aloe vera rubdown. And we didn't just stick to one partner. There was a lot of swinging going on. It was hot...mainly because our shoulders were so burned, but also because we had raging hormones.
Of course, once our counselors caught wind of our shenanigans, it went from rubdown to smackdown. Why do grown-ups always have to ruin all the fun?
The summer before my freshman year of high school I headed to the University of Iowa for 2 weeks of camp. Not your typical camp with campfires and rappelling (I tried that and found I didn't have much of an interest in archery or horseback riding), this was smart kid camp. We were there to learn! But of course, it was fun learning. And even if it wasn't, at 14 it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as there are cute boys around. And that there were.
When we weren't expanding our minds, one of the highlights was spending the day at the water park. Did we wear sunscreen? AS IF! Sunscreen was totally nerdy and although we were at smart kid camp, we were not nerds. So you can guess after all our fun in the sun we were roasted, toasted, and burnt to a crisp.
We needed relief. Aloe vera was the medicine we needed but our same sex roommate was not a sufficient nurse to apply the ooey, gooey goodness. We needed to get one of the boys from upstairs to do it. And so an aloe vera party was born in the lounge of the dorm. Bikini-clad girls and shirtless boys crowded around to get an aloe vera rubdown. And we didn't just stick to one partner. There was a lot of swinging going on. It was hot...mainly because our shoulders were so burned, but also because we had raging hormones.
Of course, once our counselors caught wind of our shenanigans, it went from rubdown to smackdown. Why do grown-ups always have to ruin all the fun?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First of all, I can't believe DeAnna chose Jesse. Shocker! The producers did a great job throwing us all off. Poor Jason. I can't believe she let him get down on his knee! He deserves a good woman. Congrats to Jesse and DeAnna! I hope it's a fairytale ending.
And now for the YouTube video of the day. Surprisingly (or not), it's a song by Mandy Moore. I hope DeAnna never wants to sing this to Jesse. We all loved "Candy" when it came out in junior high, but her sound has really matured. I don't care for much of her stuff, but "Gardenia" really pulls those heartstrings. It's a beautiful song...especially if you have been crying your eyes out for weeks after a break-up and you want to continue to wallow in your sorrows. But if that's the case, maybe you should put on a little Gloria Gaynor instead.
Friday, June 27, 2008
So I've decided my blog should be called "Video of the Day" since I seem so obsessed with posting videos for everyone to see. I hope I will eventually get over my infatuation with YouTube and develop an interest that is not connected to cyberspace.
But until then, I'm including one of my favorites right now. This video is H-O-T-T-T-T! It's a killer Maroon 5 song, but the addition of Rihanna and some crazy keys takes it to the level of ULTRA-killer pop sensation.
Whoever bashes pop music should be kicked in the shins.
But until then, I'm including one of my favorites right now. This video is H-O-T-T-T-T! It's a killer Maroon 5 song, but the addition of Rihanna and some crazy keys takes it to the level of ULTRA-killer pop sensation.
Whoever bashes pop music should be kicked in the shins.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Graham's Gone

Ladies, stay away from all those Grahams out there. It is easy to have a natural chemistry with guys like that, but that doesn't mean it will last. You don't need a DB like that in your life.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So I've obviously become a YouTube fanatic to an unhealthy degree with the amount of videos I post. But it's so much fun!
My new thing today was searching for all my favorite Disney classics. Why? Why not! I am always amazed at how I can still remember all the words to the songs. But can I remember any sort of historical or intelligent information? Of course not.
Below is a delight for all those born in the mid-1980s. Let me know if you get a little choked up. I did.
My new thing today was searching for all my favorite Disney classics. Why? Why not! I am always amazed at how I can still remember all the words to the songs. But can I remember any sort of historical or intelligent information? Of course not.
Below is a delight for all those born in the mid-1980s. Let me know if you get a little choked up. I did.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Bustin' A Move
If I could make my own music video, this is the kind of choreography I would bring to the table. Don't let the pet store setting distract you from his sweet ass moves.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
No, Mary J.--MORE Drama In My Life
I feel like I'm cheating on my fiance. Not with another man, but with one of my favorite reality television stars--Deanna Pappas. Every Monday I clear my calendar for two solid hours of me, Deanna, and 25 men trying to win her heart (and hopefully regularly parading around the house
with their shirts off). We all remember the fateful day that Brad denied her the rose to his heart in a recent season of The Bachelor. It was heartbreaking and a waste of a good rose.

But she is back and ready to fall in love! She's the girl of any man's dreams. Heart of gold, killer body, and an irresistible Southern accent. She is "putting her heart on the line" to have the "fairytale ending" and she wants a man who is there "for the right reasons." She is not messing around! She's laid the smack down more than once and will undoubtedly
do it again before she decides who is her one true love. She's breaking hearts, kicking ass, and taking names. How could you not be entertained???

Reality television has long time been one of favorite addictions. Though many people have recently caught on to the reality TV crazy, it has keeping my heart rate up for many years. I've been watching people make fools of themselves for half of my life and it all started in 1996 with Real World: Miami. To this day I will never forget the infamous scene when they tried to shove Flora's fat ass through the window to interrupt a sexy shower scene. From then on out I found nothing funnier or entertaining than the stupidity of other people being broadcasted for the world to see.
My love of reality TV has grown into a tree with trashy branches like Flavor of Love and Shot at Love and the educational like Top Chef and Project Runway. But a constant through all of them is the trunk that holds up the tree of reality TV: DRAMA. Ridiculous, crazy, drunk, naked, stupid drama.
And I eat it up faster than a fat kid with a Snickers bar.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Dave Matthews Band. One of the greatest bands of all time has been rocking people's faces off since 1991 and they keep going strong. This year I am celebrating 10 years of infatuation with Dave, Boyd, LeRoi, Stefan, Carter and Butch. They've been very good to me over the years. We've shared ups (every concert) and downs (release of Everyday) and our love endures.

Summer after summer they hit the road to put on shows that never disappoint. I know the show I see tonight will be no exception. When you put a group of musicians on a stage together with as much talent as each of them has, it is synergy at its best.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Mix it Up
I love a good mixed tape. There is nothing better than having someone carefully craft a sequence of 15-20 songs just for your listening pleasure.
1. Split Screen Sadness – John Mayer: The second verse is my favorite batch of lyrics EVER. It’s absolute poetry… “It’s only the air you took and the breath you left.”
A friend and I were discussing music and I mentioned that oftentimes lyrics are not what hooks me to a song. It's usually the hook. Pun intended. But I know I have more soul than that so I've compiled a list of some of my favorite soulful songs.
If you know me at all, you know that any musical list I put together will have an unhealthy amount of Mayer on it. But I can't help, especially in this category. In my eyes he is lyricist extraordinaire so it was unavoidable. You’re lucky the whole list is not all of him.
Most of these songs are great for listening to after a break-up and you want to cry your eyes out because they really pinpoint feelings that come out of the situation. There are some feel good songs too. The common thread is they all have soooooouuuulllll….

2. Back to You – John Mayer: My number one favorite song of all time. Particularly, his earlier version on “Inside Wants Out” that is more raw, and I think much better than the over-produced version on “Room for Squares.”
3. Elias – Dispatch: This song paints a picture of life in Africa with Elias. He’s a real person!
4. The Day Forever Died – Matt Wertz: Nothing worse than a surprise break-up. The title is perfect.
5. Meaning – Gavin Degraw: Love gives us meaning in this crazy world.
6. Belief – John Mayer: “Belief is a beautiful armor.” Offers a unique perspective about how people’s beliefs and opinions can work for and against them. Check out this BA video:
7. Learning to Fly – Tom Petty: Nothing better than a good ol’ coming of age song that makes you think fondly of the good times that have come and gone.
8. Lost Myself in Search of You – Matt Nathanson: About wanting a relationship so badly you’re willing to put up with too much crap and turn into someone who's no good.
9. Grace’s Amazing Hands – Dave Barnes: One word. Beautiful. Has to be an acoustic version to be enjoyed thoroughly.
10. Beast of Burden – The Rolling Stones: The epitome of a love song; you can’t have your man or woman bringing you down.
11. Tracing – John Mayer: Going through the motions in a relationship, knowing it’s not going to last because it was never that good to start.
12. Stay Away – Dave Barnes: It’s hard to get your own heart jerked around, but maybe harder to have it happen to a close friend because your hands are tied.
13. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room – John Mayer: Things have changed in a relationship, and you both know it, but neither of you want to end it, but know that it is coming. The title is absolute genius and says it all.
14. Hallelujah – Rufus Wainwright: How could I not put this song on here?
13. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room – John Mayer: Things have changed in a relationship, and you both know it, but neither of you want to end it, but know that it is coming. The title is absolute genius and says it all.
14. Hallelujah – Rufus Wainwright: How could I not put this song on here?
It turns out most of these songs are on my "Greatest Songs of All Time" list so I guess I have more soul than I thought...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Let's talk about YouTube. As of late, YouTube and I are having a torrid love affair. I can't get enough of searching for songs and seeing what pops up. I'm like a kid at the arcade with an endless amount of quarters.
But not everything I find puts a smile on my face.
When I search for songs it is inevitable that along with the "official music video" and numerous live recordings, there will be a frightening amount of home videos. These include lip syncing, sing-alongs, and the very scary a capella versions. What is curious to me is, what is their motivation? Do they think Simon Cowell is scouring YouTube for the next big thing? Is this the only way they see fit to artistically express themselves? I don't understand which voice in their head is telling them that it's ok to put such rubbage on the internet for all to see.
If you haven't taken time to peruse the neverending sea of musical waste, I'd like to share a couple of my favorites I've electronically stumbled upon.
The best part of the homemade goodies is the expression on their face at the beginning of the song. The music has cued up, but it's not time to sing yet, so they stare into the camera with an expression that says, I'm a natural performer. I am not intimidated.
This first girl is lip-syncing to the song "Mr. Larkin" by State Radio. Note the lead singer is male. She is female. Doesn't seem to bother her.
If you liked that, be sure to catch her seductive rendition of "Save Tonight." It will make you swoon.
Through further YouTubical research I found this enjoyable nugget of 90's pop. This girl does all the hits of then and now including "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. It's deliciously breathy.

When I search for songs it is inevitable that along with the "official music video" and numerous live recordings, there will be a frightening amount of home videos. These include lip syncing, sing-alongs, and the very scary a capella versions. What is curious to me is, what is their motivation? Do they think Simon Cowell is scouring YouTube for the next big thing? Is this the only way they see fit to artistically express themselves? I don't understand which voice in their head is telling them that it's ok to put such rubbage on the internet for all to see.
If you haven't taken time to peruse the neverending sea of musical waste, I'd like to share a couple of my favorites I've electronically stumbled upon.
The best part of the homemade goodies is the expression on their face at the beginning of the song. The music has cued up, but it's not time to sing yet, so they stare into the camera with an expression that says, I'm a natural performer. I am not intimidated.
This first girl is lip-syncing to the song "Mr. Larkin" by State Radio. Note the lead singer is male. She is female. Doesn't seem to bother her.
If you liked that, be sure to catch her seductive rendition of "Save Tonight." It will make you swoon.
Through further YouTubical research I found this enjoyable nugget of 90's pop. This girl does all the hits of then and now including "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. It's deliciously breathy.
These are some examples of the worst of YouTube. So what's the best thing about YouTube? Being able to watch music videos like this that will never be seen on MTV of VH1. It makes sorting through the trash totally worth it.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
On His Way Up?
Don't ask me how it happened, but through some sort of online search I suddenly entered Ryan Cabrera's Myspace page and was absolutely aghast at what I found.
Let's all take a trip down memory was 2004 and Joe Simpson, the business man/father he is, somehow convinced MTV to bring America into the life of his youngest daughter Ashlee's drama-ridden life. As if Jessica and Newlyweds
wasn't enough for us. We got a front row seat to the ups and downs of her new life as a musician and her awkward, PDA-filled romance with Ryan Cabrera. It seemed so convenient that Ryan was also an aspiring artist who just happened to be getting national exposure because of his business...I mean romantic relationship with Ashlee.
What I remember most about Ryan is not his melodious voice or his killer guitar riffs--I remember his hair. It was out of control. To this day, I do not know another person (famous or not) who has the need to spike their hair to such heights. I mean it was out of control! And with the blonde highlights to top it off, only delusional teenie-boppers with their raging hormones could call him attractive. Needless to say, he needed a makeover.
Once he broke up with Ashlee and the rest of America realized he was a piece of crap musician, we didn't hear or see from our spiky-haired friend for a very long time. So what HAS he been doing for the past four years you wonder???
Reinventing his image.
Please observe the picture to the right. That is indeed the same strapping young man who wowed the world with "On The Way Down." Makeover much? Can
you understand my utter shock when I saw the new Ryan Cabrera?!?! While he is going for the I-look-like-I-don't-care-about-my-looks-so-that-makes-me-super-sexy look, I promise you he spends more time time coloring his hair, scrunching it with various gels and mousses, and keeping his unshaven look shaved, then he ever did before with his flat iron and hair gel. Seriously. You can find more proof of Ryan's drastic changes at
Let's all take a trip down memory was 2004 and Joe Simpson, the business man/father he is, somehow convinced MTV to bring America into the life of his youngest daughter Ashlee's drama-ridden life. As if Jessica and Newlyweds

What I remember most about Ryan is not his melodious voice or his killer guitar riffs--I remember his hair. It was out of control. To this day, I do not know another person (famous or not) who has the need to spike their hair to such heights. I mean it was out of control! And with the blonde highlights to top it off, only delusional teenie-boppers with their raging hormones could call him attractive. Needless to say, he needed a makeover.
Once he broke up with Ashlee and the rest of America realized he was a piece of crap musician, we didn't hear or see from our spiky-haired friend for a very long time. So what HAS he been doing for the past four years you wonder???
Reinventing his image.
Please observe the picture to the right. That is indeed the same strapping young man who wowed the world with "On The Way Down." Makeover much? Can

And to Ashlee...Pete Wentz is a major upgrade. Even with the eye liner. Good work.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Jumping On
I've jumped on the blog bandwagon. There are so many ideas and stories running through my head, it just doesn't seem fair to keep them bottled up. But I'm a little nervous about opening the hatch. Most bloggers still creep me out because of the amount of personal information they reveal to all who can connect to the wide world that is the web. Creepy. But I'll try not to let that hinder my new blogging life.
I'm going to start out my new life in blogosphere on a positive note and share something that will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. What could that be you ask? Mr. Matt Nathanson. Wowsa. One of my most favorite musicians. He recently released a video from his album Some Mad Hope for "Come On Get Higher." Watch it. Love it.

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