Coatttails screaming for freedom? You heard right.
When you purchase a new coat, typically the coattails are sewn together with a couple stiches to keep them in order during shipment and on the racks. These are meant to be cut after the coat is purchased. From my guestimate, 40% of people neglect to snip those stitches. Is it because they forgot or because they didn't know they were supposed to do that? Either way, it drives me NUTS. Do yourself a favor and make sure your coattails are flying in the wind. They want the freedom and you'll look much more fashionable.
I agree. It just looks odd when they are still attached and someone is in the coat. I think it makes your butt look bigger.
Ditto! I'd say 3% of those people forgot and they other 97% don't know wny better. How sad.
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