When I search for songs it is inevitable that along with the "official music video" and numerous live recordings, there will be a frightening amount of home videos. These include lip syncing, sing-alongs, and the very scary a capella versions. What is curious to me is, what is their motivation? Do they think Simon Cowell is scouring YouTube for the next big thing? Is this the only way they see fit to artistically express themselves? I don't understand which voice in their head is telling them that it's ok to put such rubbage on the internet for all to see.
If you haven't taken time to peruse the neverending sea of musical waste, I'd like to share a couple of my favorites I've electronically stumbled upon.
The best part of the homemade goodies is the expression on their face at the beginning of the song. The music has cued up, but it's not time to sing yet, so they stare into the camera with an expression that says, I'm a natural performer. I am not intimidated.
This first girl is lip-syncing to the song "Mr. Larkin" by State Radio. Note the lead singer is male. She is female. Doesn't seem to bother her.
If you liked that, be sure to catch her seductive rendition of "Save Tonight." It will make you swoon.
Through further YouTubical research I found this enjoyable nugget of 90's pop. This girl does all the hits of then and now including "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. It's deliciously breathy.
These are some examples of the worst of YouTube. So what's the best thing about YouTube? Being able to watch music videos like this that will never be seen on MTV of VH1. It makes sorting through the trash totally worth it.