Boy bands. No matter your love or hate for them, it is interesting to think about the dynamic amongst the group members. This thought was triggered as I applied makeup this morning and New Kids on the Block's video "Summertime" came on. In every boy band there are the "hotties" and the "not-so-hotties." The hotties are the ones who have lead vocals and are always in front of the camera in videos.

Jonathan and Danny, the "average Joes" (according to who?) are barely seen in the entire video. The longest shots of them are in the group dance sequence (could you really have a boy band video without a group dance sequence with matching outfits?) and then they are in the back row. It's an ongoing theme if you think about some of the most popular boy bands: Backstreet Boys, 'N SYNC, 98 Degrees.
How would it feel to be one of the average Joes? You have to think it's a major blow to the ego. Maybe it's worth all the sweet hook-ups from your celebrity status (or not-so-celebrity). All the perks but none of the downfall? Jonathan and Danny probably don't get bothered in public as much as Jordan and Joey, and they can probably attract hot chicks just as easily. But boys being boys there has to be a competitiveness that hopefully includes shouting matches and fist fights. It's probably more like a cat fight with hair pulling so no one breaks a nose. Or maybe they have hair product fights with all the gels, waxes, sprays and pomades they can find. With their shirts off.